Danau Weekuri Terletak di Desa Kalenarogo, Kecamatan Kodi Utara, Kabupaten Sumba Barat
Daya, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Danau Weekuri ini ramai diupload di media masa seperti di Facebook, Instagram dan Twiter sehingga mulai ramai
dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan terutama wisatawan lokal belakangan ini. Danau Weekuri yang
berwarna hijau kebiru-biruan ini merupakan danau yang tergolong unik
jika dibandingkan dengan danau-danau yang ada pada umumnya di Indonesia. Warna ini dihasilkan dari bercampurnya air tawar dan air laut sehingga airnya menjadi payau.
Weekuri Lake Located in Kalenarogo Village, North Kodi District, South West of Sumba Regency, East of Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Weekuri Lake is being viral uploaded in mass media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter then it starts to be crowded by tourists, especially domestic tourists. Lake of Weekuri, where is bluish green in color, is a unique lake compared to other lakes in general in Indonesia. This color is produced by mixing fresh water and sea water so that the water becomes brackish.
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhgg_09c2zU6VrOO6NhEmnv_8Scbtx0LkLkb4cZkQskexPOERCygiydTe_hevDOxZ1qTlr_Yn7EoKYhKWGdXiWaKnF6KBDMwk3ZxNzpRoZRIrj2fq7uAfHxNL0GmXr1u7kgKMTTMF9rdTI/s640/Wekuri+2019+1.jpg) |
A lot of visitor in weekend for free swimming pool |
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi9_ZiDD-bcwax2XlyE3t2jSCZ2g3u62flQnL0d9md2oaUTLLqHLah6fKhLKmn1poJhHlsOwt6wr051sS6PV_YPpjPv-9DS0f_DTlmRkmiMdanoXZnY8zenviKfxyeqt7WL9EfOmaC08Wk/s640/wekuri+2019+4.jpg) |
A lot of visitor in weekend for free swimming pool |
Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya telah membangun jembatan-jembatan kayu yang mengelilingi obyek wisata ini. Pada pelataran luar terdapat bangunan pendopo untuk pengunjung beristirahat. Usaha yang sangat baik sehingga sekarang warga bebas berlibur dan berenang bak dikolam renang alami nan indah. Namun ada satu kekurangan saat saya berkunjung sempat bingung mencari jalan menuju danau dan sangat perlu dipasangi rambu penunjuk jalan menuju danau ini dari kota Waetabulah atau mungkin saja sudah dipasangi tapi hilang dengan alasan yang tidak jelas. Tapi tidak menjadi masalah sebab warga akan menunjukan arah menuju ke danau saat ditanyai mengenai lokasi danau ini.
The South West Sumba District Tourism Board has built wooden bridges that installed to surround of this tourist attraction. On the outer yard there is a pavilion building for visitors to rest. Very good effort so that now residents are free to enjoy vacation and swim like free swim in a beautiful natural swimming pool. But there is one drawback when I visited the place, I was confused to find a road to guide me to the lake and really need to be fitted with signs to this lake from the city of Waetabulah or maybe it has been installed but lost for unclear reasons. But it is not a big problem because residents will show directions to the lake when asked about the location of the lake.
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgZr2crQfaljUaWWUG1Ml1BeKwpRte_lj92EVAcAj_yWt_Y_mVtLo0SCObYv0E4mqg8D1hIRMX3l598FMeh6G2IZ2E2LMc3IZDSXcPsMP6ym-DIyX9tvD2ygqYs7Fq96k4YYyx9ZwxgpdU/s640/wekuri+2019+6.jpg) |
wooden bridges have been built around objects |
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjHjBpV0gR1-FrrTuFP9VGOOZ5l5Ofeh1liJNbReB5j_r6PpnEntLzHSnj2cjrhzMLLiI-700g_j8Hc4coseFaLNrCPAtIlQfSa3A6ux_ctVuNC_V-BedzLAH-hjvYafFEH0fUgN2QOtY8/s640/wekuri+2019+2.jpg) |
wooden bridges have been built around objects |
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjySGL2IZ74aQmI6SXIaauqFIGxcHF0eqPyeK4IoyJYm3DMZFNgLiUuGoZZ7hlenMHhrQbzG0bM7XqNfLGLL_bKbmntRCkGsOL-Z7Uxeqlghnvi3yz3B9T8fyhrtLjeQb-akoPmEhw34I0/s1600/wekuri+2019+3.jpg) |
wooden bridges have been built around objects |
Selain bermain air
ataupun berenang, pengunjung juga dapat menikmati dan menjelajahi
keindahannya dari ketinggian karena pemerintah telah membangun jembatan-jembatan kayu melingkari danau. Berjalan kaki menyusuri jalan
setapak untuk mengikuti bunyi deru ombak, dan pengunjung dapat
menaiki bukit karang yang menjorok ke lautan lepas. Dari atas beberapa puncak bukit
karang ini, maka pengunjung akan merasakan sensasi berbeda. Batas antara danau dan lautan lepas juga sudah terdapat jembatan kayu yang aman sehingga dapat menikmati indahnya lautan biru dengan ombaknya yang menghantam gugusan karang yang
mengelilingi danau ini. Danau
Weekuri ini pun terlihat seperti kolam biru apabila dilihat dari ketinggian dan ramai pengunjung saat weekend sehingga foto saat ini sangat berbeda dengan foto-foto yang telah dimuat oleh beberapa bloger lainnya yang diambil dahulu sebelum ramai pengunjung.
In addition to playing water or swimming, visitors can also enjoy and explore its beauty from a height because the government has built wooden bridges encircling the lake. Walk along the path to follow the sound of the roar of the waves, and visitors can climb the cliff that juts into the open sea. From the top of some of the cliff tops, visitors will feel a different sensation. The boundary between the lake and the open sea also has a safe wooden bridge so that visitors can enjoy the beauty of the blue ocean with its waves that hit a cluster of coral that surrounding this lake. Weekuri lake also looks like a blue pond when viewed from a height and crowded with visitors during weekends so that the current photo is very different from the photos that have been uploaded by several other bloggers that were taken before the visitors came to many.
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgf9Dt8h0J5zGLm3_MtgGXpBnsXHNvB1r7sLv9euif7jC3XuU8_qF8PsoIHiHqUPFaTle83WQGWUlqT4cqEUkzrMdbXe4NyuL1nRmvuIarTzBUWT1BHDw7GXuRpQ6R1UpFnx4YqusiYbUs/s640/wekuri+2019+5.jpg) |
Near the vast south west sea of Sumba Island |
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiZ54FIk1XnrGVD3AxR7yiWDTce-TlocHPDYm-hXuYVQp_SGYPy0k1k1PjOdotX9zkiv5Ul1pGZl2Dj0MbXS85I9nEB-7cr1H-ANx7NTrRcPAd7ILez99cODt8pHoxfG0ZJCjXsUO2Y6bk/s640/wekuri+2019+7.jpg) |
Near the vast south west sea of Sumba Island |
Sebelum memasuki obyek wisata danau Weekuri, disambut para pedagang kain dan parang Sumba sebagai souvenir telah berkunjung ke Weekuri. Dan terdapat penjual kelapa muda dengan harga yang terjangkau. Persis seperti obyek-obyek wisata lainnya di Indonesia maka para pedagang souvenir sebagai pintu gerbangnya sebuah obyek wisata. Bisa berbelanja langsung atau nanti saat mau pulang.
Before entering the Lake of Weekuri tourism object, we welcomed by cloth traders and Sumba machetes as souvenirs for visiting Weekuri. And there are young coconut sellers at affordable prices. Just like other tourist objects in Indonesia, souvenir traders as the gate of a tourist attraction. We could shop directly or later when go home.
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiJH7mK0TvJnDjaRu-O-KgnbtKDqDTYrYIsqT5bCvSTZFU7GQwbkQ0nVdTvAOuLTIvLYNgyHyiKGwIXdaBJUDVJazX_CB9FcWw5BwHIkUTIgg5cXgqt5Az7g2dZpDdO4OBEKiVLcDaa1xs/s640/wekuri+2019+9.jpg) |
At Entering Point |
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiTh9J-awVl1a6cAO_mh1pVR9pARCkCXaI9tc7fktwd-xH4wZ4MPolsefD8wr8Wi6jxdMAbpbRJsJgHM7_RTCGV3YABEOMH1Iy2YVXpfIZt-CSYMYxyzjBlBZc2QXFSgqsZOka1wo5kzg0/s640/wekuri+2019+10.jpg) |
At Entering Point |
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgKSvtIs98ELTWPZOW1b_gw2tZuwO4iIqtpXG_oi2S9ebgVejKWiT5wNsA3Zc7wVyGjceUOqoGh4F5uzb4Rj0VNw2kwEpFw_WJzsPKsytKJkN79GI-Dn8CEQ5PF6V2Gaq2LpBYZL9fO1-U/s640/wekuri+2019+11.jpg) |
At Entering Point |
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhIkstUyOm2NchsBD1Q7-LMjlFNrKdYjBtsF7H8XiCUiyQoJOvbaaXe7W8UMbEZy_-VveXZ1qEo6SfbxlD8My-C7hPuwbRIXvUCkke0CxJMYuYTxqA_6q4kCFNL8NEPsvP37RQ_QhdG1Ww/s640/wekuri+2019+12.jpg) |
At Entering Point |
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhJ06er-5L9stwOj1v7LPtHs4ahjyiYr9N5uWH2o-OgmWA0a3Ut_rhQUOZfP3deFeTqThkRB-_p8ezKEwkIRqXj5sMt1fIWg9c3xC845FnySVpg3nQ4UF__ijVduGmelS4EzoKQOTqj41o/s640/wekuri+2019+13.jpg) |
At Entering Point |
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgx5G1u-_StaNynwXH6jt3umV27hgRrkcfGPKLlsGOoFRrJqGAqAEyd3f0nGfZStl_GcbA3xjOBsUo11IlkVDl3hD3TAelmfr0UpECWISUpLq29S5HgwMf7xacogH_AVaJlB1n7Ly5ehMo/s640/wekuri+2019+14.jpg) |
At Entering Point |
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiGIasp8pYkwL7ZfC45NQ0v3IpeHLGpuH0yH4K8ZjM1ZIQvARZVPTK26JhbrSVpGd8HkeIOfJ7gOHswuMtk452Le_-8C7pFTw4B5lYup4U9J3sBlLq6-MYTw6BGtevIC92KHhiWJsDYNc4/s640/wekuri+2019+15.jpg) |
At Entering Point |
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At Entering Point |
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjsTnA1IBRX8FOMLwHROsVP9dBxAkxysfnpYjiBB1aSq4iKLm3Gi7IbWKxpJ4gtVqxM7iezU658vHemMukB9UWcbK5moO3HYzdcBlYmu2aP8sqiIxdEskZQGm-pIe9JQ4sjKR0s4pwUAKs/s640/wekuri+2019+8.jpg) |
Buying Souvenir To remember my visit |
Sungguh indah kain-kain yang bermotif khas Sumba Barat Daya, dan menurut saya, danau ini menyediakan obyek wisata kolam renang alami nan indah jadi lebih baik kalau ada yang menjual celana pendek dan baju kaos motif Sumba Barat Daya yang unik untuk mereka yang lupa membawanya, Dan perlu disiapkan ruang ganti yang memadai. Tempat ini sekarang masih gratis tidak dipungut biaya masuk dan tentunya sangat baik. Perlu diberikan pelatihan bagi para penjual souvenir agar tidak berebutan dalam menjual barang dagangannya atau lebih baik dibuat sebuah koperasi jadi semua pelaku usaha mendapatkan hasil yang sama dengan pelayanan yang baik.
It's really beautiful fabrics with typical South West Sumba motifs, and in my opinion, this lake provides beautiful natural swimming pool tourism objects so it's better if someone sells shorts and T-shirts decorated by Southwest Sumba motif that are unique to those who forget to bring them for swim, And an adequate changing room needs to be prepared. This place is still free of charge now and certainly very good for visitors. Training needs for souvenir sellers so that they don't compete in selling their merchandise or it is better to make a cooperation so that all sellers in cooperation will get the same results with of course a good service.
Ketut Rudi
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