Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya adalah
salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia dengan ibukotanya
Tambolaka yang telah memiliki bandara yang memadai sehingga mudah untuk berkunjung ke kabupaten ini dari pulau-pulau lainnya di Indonesia yang telah menjadi gerbang internasional seperti dari Bali atau Surabaya dan Jakarta. Sumba barat daya memiliki pantai-pantai cantik nan indah, air terjun dan obyek wisata lainnya yang layak untuk anda
kunjungi dan nikmati dan obyek-obyek wisata di Sumba Barat Daya masih sangat asri, pantai berpasir putih dengan air laut yang jernih sehingga sangat cocok buat
Anda beristirahat dan menenangkan diri dari hingar bingarnya kota besar. Namun sebelum ke pantai penting untuk kita ketahui bersama adat istiadat di Sumba Barat Daya salah satunya adalah Kecamatan Kodi yang menyimpan sejuta pesona wisata budaya. Yuk simak artikel ini semoga bermanfaat dan menambah wawasan nusantara dan belajar kembali dari budaya yang diwariskan oleh nenek moyang kita yakni sebuah kesederhanaan.
Sumba Barat Daya Regency is one districts in East of Nusa Tenggara Province of Indonesia with its capital is Tambolaka which has an adequate airport so it is easy to visit this district from other islands in Indonesia which have become international gateways such as from Bali or Surabaya and Jakarta. Southwest Sumba has beautiful beaches, waterfalls and other attractions that you deserve to visit and enjoy and tourism objects in Southwest Sumba are still very beautiful, white sandy beaches with clear sea water are very suitable for your rest and calm down from the frenzied big city. But before going to the beach it is important for us to know about customs in South West of Sumba, one of them is in Kodi District, where holds a million cultural tourism charms. Let's read this article hopefully useful and add knowledge about Indonesia archipelago and underlining some important point from the culture inherited by our ancestors, which is called a simplicity.
Sumba Barat Daya Regency is one districts in East of Nusa Tenggara Province of Indonesia with its capital is Tambolaka which has an adequate airport so it is easy to visit this district from other islands in Indonesia which have become international gateways such as from Bali or Surabaya and Jakarta. Southwest Sumba has beautiful beaches, waterfalls and other attractions that you deserve to visit and enjoy and tourism objects in Southwest Sumba are still very beautiful, white sandy beaches with clear sea water are very suitable for your rest and calm down from the frenzied big city. But before going to the beach it is important for us to know about customs in South West of Sumba, one of them is in Kodi District, where holds a million cultural tourism charms. Let's read this article hopefully useful and add knowledge about Indonesia archipelago and underlining some important point from the culture inherited by our ancestors, which is called a simplicity.
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Amazing Rategaro Beach South West Sumba Indonesia |
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Rategaro Traditional Village Viewed from Amazing Rategaro Beach |
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Amazing Rategaro Beach |
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Amazing Rategaro Beach |
Ada banyak kampung adat di Sumba Barat Daya, seperti saat saya mengunjungi salah satu kampung adat yakni "Kampung adat Bahewa" dan "Kampung adat Rangga Baki" yang terletak di Desa Wula Homba Kecamatan Kodi Sumba Barat Daya. Kampung-kampung adat letaknya saling berdekatan seperti Kampung adat Rangga Baki yang berdekatan dengan beberapa kampung adat lainnya yakni : Kampung adat Pakari, Rategaro, Ngahu watu, Parona Baroro, Rada Kapal, Malongge, Kabota dan Kampung adat Mehang Mata.
There are many customary villages in Southwest Sumba, such as when I visited one of the traditional villages name "Bahewa traditional village" and "Rangga Baki traditional village" which is located in Wula Homba Village, Kodi South West Sumba District. Traditional villages are located near between one to another for example the Rangga Baki traditional village where is adjacent to several other traditional villages, name: Pakari, Rategaro, Ngahu watu, Parona Baroro, Rada Kapal, Malongge, Kabota and Mehang Mata traditional village.
There are many customary villages in Southwest Sumba, such as when I visited one of the traditional villages name "Bahewa traditional village" and "Rangga Baki traditional village" which is located in Wula Homba Village, Kodi South West Sumba District. Traditional villages are located near between one to another for example the Rangga Baki traditional village where is adjacent to several other traditional villages, name: Pakari, Rategaro, Ngahu watu, Parona Baroro, Rada Kapal, Malongge, Kabota and Mehang Mata traditional village.
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Amazing Rategaro Beach |
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Amazing Rategaro Beach |
Kampung adat Rangga Baki merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak kampung
adat yang memiliki warna budaya tersendiri di Sumba Barat Daya. Sebuah
daerah yang memiliki banyak perkebunan Jambu mente, kelapa dan jagung.
Saya bertemu langsung dengan Bapak Pelipus Horo dan ibu serta rumpun
keluarga yang ramah mengantar berkeliling dan menjelaskan salah satu
rumah adat yang ada. Rumah adat dalam bahasa Kodi disebut dengan Umma dan Umma Ramba adalah rumah adat keluarga besar Horo serta bergabung dalam satu kampung adat Rangga Baki yang terdiri dari rumah adat masing-masing keluarga besar lainnya.
Rangga Baki traditional village is one of many indigenous villages that have it's own cultural colors in Southwest Sumba. An area that has many cashew, coconut and corn plantations. I met directly to Mr. Pelipus Horo and his wife also friendly families who drove around and explained one of the traditional houses. The traditional house in the Kodi language is called "Umma" and Umma Ramba is a traditional house of the large Horo family and joins one traditional village of Rangga Baki which is consisting of many traditional house of each other large family.
Rangga Baki traditional village is one of many indigenous villages that have it's own cultural colors in Southwest Sumba. An area that has many cashew, coconut and corn plantations. I met directly to Mr. Pelipus Horo and his wife also friendly families who drove around and explained one of the traditional houses. The traditional house in the Kodi language is called "Umma" and Umma Ramba is a traditional house of the large Horo family and joins one traditional village of Rangga Baki which is consisting of many traditional house of each other large family.
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Tengkorak Kerbau di Teras Rumah Adat Keluarga Horo Rangga Baki (Buffalo Skull on the Terrace of the Traditional House of the Horo Rangga Baki Family) |
Kampung adat Rangga Baki dikelilingi batu karang sebagai pagar kampung
dan halaman depan kampung terdapat kuburan-kuburan keluarga dan juga
didalam perkampungan keluarga besar dalam kampung adat terdapat beberapa
kuburan yang melingkari sebuah altar atau dalam bahasa Kodi disebut
dengan "Natar " sebagai tempat penyemblihan hewan saat ada pesta atau
acara-acara adat. Sehingga tampak disetiap teras rumah tengkorak kerbau
yang sangat unik sebagai tanda acara-acara yang diadakan setiap
tahunnya. Di Kodi terdapat 6 "Kabisu" yang mana masing-masing kabisu
terdiri dari kumpulan beberapa kampung adat yang dalam bahasa Kodi
disebut "Parona". Seperti sebuah kecamatan kemudian desa dan RT RW
didalamnya kalau diterjenmahkan ke struktur organisasi di negara
Rangga Baki traditional village surrounded by rocks as a village fence and the front yard of the village there are family graves and also inside yard of large family members in this traditional village there are also several graves encircling an altar or in the Kodi language called "Natar" as a place to slaughter animals when there traditional parties or events conducted. So that it appears on each terrace of the house welcoming by a very unique buffalo skull as a sign of events held annually. In Kodi contains of 6 "Kabisu", each of which consists of a collection of several traditional villages that in Kodi called "Parona". Like a sub-district then a village and a neighborhood if it is transferred to an organizational structure in the country of Indonesia.
Rangga Baki traditional village surrounded by rocks as a village fence and the front yard of the village there are family graves and also inside yard of large family members in this traditional village there are also several graves encircling an altar or in the Kodi language called "Natar" as a place to slaughter animals when there traditional parties or events conducted. So that it appears on each terrace of the house welcoming by a very unique buffalo skull as a sign of events held annually. In Kodi contains of 6 "Kabisu", each of which consists of a collection of several traditional villages that in Kodi called "Parona". Like a sub-district then a village and a neighborhood if it is transferred to an organizational structure in the country of Indonesia.
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Galeri Kampung Adat di Kodi Sumba Barat Daya (Traditional Village Gallery of Kodi South West Sumba) |
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Pohon-pohon besar mengelilingi Kampung Adat (Large trees surround the Indigenous Village) |
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Kandang Ternak (Cattle pen) |
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Galeri Kampung Adat di Kodi Sumba Barat Daya (Traditional Village Gallery of Kodi South West Sumba) |
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Kubur Batu di Kodi Sumba Barat Daya (Stone Tomb in Kodi South West Of Sumba) |
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Galeri Kampung Adat di Kodi Sumba Barat Daya (Traditional Village Gallery of Kodi South West Sumba) |
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Rumpun Pohon Kelapa Nan Indah (Groups of Coconut Trees looks so beautiful) |
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Galeri Kampung Adat di Kodi Sumba Barat Daya (Traditional Village Gallery of Kodi South West Sumba) |
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Galeri Kampung Adat di Kodi Sumba Barat Daya (Traditional Village Gallery of Kodi South West Sumba) |
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Mengunjungi Arena Pasola (Visiting the Pasola Arena) |
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Mengunjungi Arena Pasola (Visiting the Pasola Arena) |
Alat musik di Kodi yang mana digunakan dalam acara-acara adat yakni Ndungga alat musik yang menyerupai gitar yang hanya menggunakan 4 buah senar untuk mengiringi tarian dibarengi dengan alat musik lainnya seperti gong dalam bahasa kodi disebut dengan Tala dan Tambur atau Mbedu. Souvenir yang dijual oleh warga setempat saat saya berkunjung adalah kain motif Sumba Barat Daya sebagai ikat kepala, parang sumba dan Mamoli atau Hamoli yang merupakan hiasan yang digunakan dalam acara pernikahan yang mana aslinya terbuat dari emas namun diduplikasi menggunakan bahan dasar tanduk kerbau. Tarian Pasola adalah tarian masal di Kodi yang sudah cukup terkenal di publik yang pernah atau bahkan belum pernah berkunjung ke Sumba. Pasola berasal dari kata "sola" atau
"hola", yang berarti sejenis lembing kayu yang dipakai untuk saling
melempar dari atas kuda yang sedang dipacu kencang oleh dua kelompok yang
berlawanan.Setelah mendapat imbuhan `pa' (pa-sola, pa-hola), artinya menjadi
permainan. Jadi pasola atau pahola berarti permainan ketangkasan saling
melempar lembing kayu dari atas punggung kuda yang sedang dipacu kencang antara
dua kelompok yang berlawanan.Pasola merupakan bagian dari serangkaian upacara
tradisional yang dilakukan oleh orang Sumba yang masih menganut agama asli yang
disebut Marapu (agama lokal masyarakat sumba).Permainan pasola diadakan pada
empat kampung di kabupaten Sumba Barat.Keempat kampung tersebut antara lain
Kodi, Lamboya, Wonokaka, dan Gaura. Pelaksanaan pasola di keempat kampung ini
dilakukan secara bergiliran, yaitu antara bulan Februari hingga Maret setiap
The musical instrument in Kodi which is used in traditional events is "Ndungga", a musical instrument that resembles a guitar that only uses 4 strings to accompany dances accompanied by other instruments such as gongs in Kodi language called Tala and Tambur or Mbedu. Souvenirs sold by local residents during my visit are Cloth of South West Sumba motifs as headbands, sumbanese machetes and Mamoli or Hamoli which are decorations used in weddings which are originally made of gold but are duplicated using buffalo horn base material. The Pasola dance is a mass dance in Kodi that is already quite well-known in the public who have or have never visited Sumba. Pasola comes from the word "sola" or "hola", which means a type of wooden javelin that is used to throw each other from the horse which is being driven fast by two opposing groups. After receiving the `pa '(pa-sola, pa-hola) , meaning to just a game. So pasola or pahola means the game of dexterity throwing wooden javelins from on horseback which is being spurred between two opposing groups. Pasola is part of a series of traditional ceremonies carried out by Sumba people who still adhere to the original religion called Marapu (local sumba community religion). ). Pasola games were held in four villages in West Sumba district. The four villages included Kodi, Lamboya, Wonokaka, and Gaura. The implementation of the pasola in the four villages is carried out in turns, between February and March each year.
The musical instrument in Kodi which is used in traditional events is "Ndungga", a musical instrument that resembles a guitar that only uses 4 strings to accompany dances accompanied by other instruments such as gongs in Kodi language called Tala and Tambur or Mbedu. Souvenirs sold by local residents during my visit are Cloth of South West Sumba motifs as headbands, sumbanese machetes and Mamoli or Hamoli which are decorations used in weddings which are originally made of gold but are duplicated using buffalo horn base material. The Pasola dance is a mass dance in Kodi that is already quite well-known in the public who have or have never visited Sumba. Pasola comes from the word "sola" or "hola", which means a type of wooden javelin that is used to throw each other from the horse which is being driven fast by two opposing groups. After receiving the `pa '(pa-sola, pa-hola) , meaning to just a game. So pasola or pahola means the game of dexterity throwing wooden javelins from on horseback which is being spurred between two opposing groups. Pasola is part of a series of traditional ceremonies carried out by Sumba people who still adhere to the original religion called Marapu (local sumba community religion). ). Pasola games were held in four villages in West Sumba district. The four villages included Kodi, Lamboya, Wonokaka, and Gaura. The implementation of the pasola in the four villages is carried out in turns, between February and March each year.
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Rumah Adat Di Sumba, teras depan (katendeng) (Traditional House in Sumba, front porch (katendeng) |
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Rumah Adat Di Sumba (Pondasi tiang utama) (Traditional House in Sumba (Foundation of the main pillar) |
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Rumah Adat Di Sumba (Berbahan dasar bambu) (Traditional House in Sumba (Made from bamboo) |
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Rumah Adat Di Sumba, teras depan (katendeng) (Traditional House in Sumba, front porch (katendeng) |
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Rumah Adat Di Sumba, lantai paling atas ruang musyawarah (Traditional House in Sumba, the top floor the deliberation room) |
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Rumah Adat Di Sumba, teras depan (katendeng) (Traditional House in Sumba, front porch (katendeng) |
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Rumah Adat Di Sumba, Ruang memasukan ternak (Traditional Houses in Sumba, Space includes livestock) |
Struktur rumah adat di Sumba Barat Daya yakni rata-rata terbuat dari bambu bulat (Onggol) dengan atap alang (Ngingo) dengan tali pengikat menggunakan tali dari pohon -pohon di hutan yang disebut dengan tali hutan. Rumah adat ini terdiri dari 4 tiang utama yang cukup besar ukurannya yakni jenis kayu Bayam (orang Kodi menyebutnya kayu kanimbil) yang sudah cukup tua sehingga kuat dan berdiri kokoh. Terdapat teras depan dan belakang yang disebut dengan katendeng. Ruangan paling atas dan luas ukurannya adalah tempat bermusyawarah serta persis ditengah-tengah terdapat tempat makan bersama disertai tempat untuk menyimpan bahan makanan disertai tungku pengasapan dibawahnya. Kurang lebih seperti kulkas di era modern ini. Terdapat kamar-kamar tidur dan penyimpanan barang-barang penting untuk kepentingan adat. Dan terdapat satu kamar utama yang hanya boleh didiami oleh para tetua adat atau yang paling dituakan di dalam sebuah rumpun keluarga.
The structure of traditional houses in Southwest Sumba is on average made of round bamboo (Onggol) weed grass roof (Ngingo) tied up using ropes from specific trees in the forest called rope of forests. This traditional house consists of 4 main pillars which are quite large in size, the type of wood is Spinach trees (the Kodi call it kanimbil wood) which is old enough so that house will strong and stands firm. There is a front and back terrace called katendeng. The top and broadest size of the room is the place of discussion and exactly in the middle there is a shared dining area accompanied by a place to store food accompanied by a fuming furnace located below of food store. More or less like a refrigerator in this modern era. There are bedrooms and storage of important items for customary purposes. And there is one main room that can only be inhabited by traditional elders or the most elderly in a family member.
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Ndungga Traditional Music Instrument of Kodi |
Pariwisata terbukti telah
mengangkat kehidupan masyarakat, karena sektor ini mampu menggerakkan roda
perekonomian di segala lapisan masyarakat dan berdampak langsung bagi
kesejahteraan masyarakat, sekaligus mampu mendorong pertumbuhan dan
pengembangan wilayah. Seperti di daerah lainnya yang telah berhasil. Bali
sebagai contohnya. Namun demikian, perlu disadari bahwa upaya-upaya
pengembangan pariwisata yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah sangat membutuhkan
dukungan penuh dan partisipasi aktif dari masyarakat. Ciptakan suasana pariwisata yang baik melalui gerakan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat agar siap untuk berperan
sebagai tuan rumah (Host) dan memahami, mampu serta bersedia untuk
mewujudkan SAPTA PESONA di lingkungannya yang meliputi unsur-unsur :
Aman, Tertib, Bersih, Sejuk, Indah, Ramah, dan Kenangan.
Tourism has proven to lift people's lives, because this sector is able to drive the economy in all side of life and has a direct impact on people's welfare, while in other hand is also able to encourage regional growth and development. Like in other areas that have succeeded on this sector. Bali for example. However, it should be realized that tourism development efforts carried out by government desperately need full support and active participation from community. Create a good tourism atmosphere through movements to raise public awareness so that they are ready to act as Hosts and understand, are able and willing to realize the SAPTA PESONA in their environment which includes elements: Safe, Orderly, Clean, Cool, Beautiful, Friendly , and Memories.
a. Sikap tidak mengganggu kenyamanan wisatawan dalam kunjungannya.
b. Menolong dan melindungi wisatawan.
c. Menunjukkan rasa bersahabat terhadap wisatawan.
d. Memelihara keamanan lingkungan.
e. Membantu memberi informasi kepada wisatawan.
f. Menjaga lingkungan yang bebas dari bahaya penyakit menular.
g. Meminimalkan resiko kecelakaan dalam penggunaan fasilitas publik.
An environmental condition in a tourism destination or tourist destination that gives a sense of calm, free from fear and anxiety for tourists in traveling or visiting the area. The form of action that shall be realized, among others:
a. The attitude does not disturb the comfort of tourists during their visit.
b. Helping and protecting tourists.
c. Shows a sense of friendliness towards tourists.
d. Maintain environmental security.
e. Help to provide adequate information to tourists.
f. Maintain an environment free from dangers of infectious diseases.
g. Minimizing the risk of accidents in the use of public facilities.
An environmental condition in a tourism destination or tourist destination that gives a sense of calm, free from fear and anxiety for tourists in traveling or visiting the area. The form of action that shall be realized, among others:
a. The attitude does not disturb the comfort of tourists during their visit.
b. Helping and protecting tourists.
c. Shows a sense of friendliness towards tourists.
d. Maintain environmental security.
e. Help to provide adequate information to tourists.
f. Maintain an environment free from dangers of infectious diseases.
g. Minimizing the risk of accidents in the use of public facilities.
Suatu kondisi lingkungan dan
pelayanan di destinasi pariwisata/ daerah tujuan wisata yang mencerminkan sikap
disiplin yang tinggi serta kualitas fisik dan layanan yang konsisten dan
teratur serta efisien sehingga memberikan rasa nyaman dan kepastian bagi
wisatawan dalam melakukan perjalanan atau kunjungan ke daerah tersebut. Bentuk aksi yang diwujudkan, antara lain:
a. Mewujudkan budaya antri.
b. Memelihara lingkungan dengan mentaati peraturan yang
c. Disiplin waktu/ tepat waktu.
d. Serba jelas, teratur, rapi, dan lancar.
An environmental condition and service in a tourism destination / tourist destination that reflects a high level of discipline and consistent and orderly and efficient physical quality and services so as to provide a sense of comfort and certainty for tourists to travel or visit the area. The form of action that shall be realized, among others:
a. Realizing a culture of queuing.
b. Maintain the environment by complying with applicable regulations.
c. On Time performance / timely discipline.
d. All clear, organized, neat, and smooth.
An environmental condition and service in a tourism destination / tourist destination that reflects a high level of discipline and consistent and orderly and efficient physical quality and services so as to provide a sense of comfort and certainty for tourists to travel or visit the area. The form of action that shall be realized, among others:
a. Realizing a culture of queuing.
b. Maintain the environment by complying with applicable regulations.
c. On Time performance / timely discipline.
d. All clear, organized, neat, and smooth.
Suatu kondisi lingkungan serta
kualitas produk dan pelayanan di destinasi pariwisata / daerah tujuan wisata
yang mencerminkan keadaan yang sehat / hygienic sehingga memberikan rasa nyaman
dan senang bagi wisatawan dalam melakukan perjalanan atau kunjungan ke daerah
tersebut. Bentuk aksi yang diwujudkan, antara lain:
a. Tidak membuang sampah / limbah sembarangan.
b. Menjaga kebersihan lingkungan objek dan daya tarik wisata
serta sarana dan prasarana pendukungnya.
c. Menjaga lingkungan yang bebas dari polusi udara (akibat
asap kendaraan atau rokok, bau lainnya).
d. Menyiapkan sajian makanan dan minuman yang higienis.
e. Menyiapkan perlengkapan penyajian makanan dan minuman
yang bersih.
f. Pakaian dan penampilan petugas bersih dan rapi.
An environmental condition and the quality of products and services in a tourism destination / tourist destination that reflects a healthy / hygienic situation so as to provide a sense of comfort and pleasure for tourists to travel or visit the area. The form of action that is realized, among others:
a. Do not dispose of garbage / waste carelessly.
b. Maintain the cleanliness of the environment of objects and tourist attractions as well as supporting facilities and infrastructure.
c. Maintain an environment free of air pollution (due to vehicle or cigarette smoke, other odors).
d. Prepare hygienic foods and drinks.
e. Prepare clean food and beverage presentation equipment.
f. The clothes and appearance of the attendants are clean and neat.
An environmental condition and the quality of products and services in a tourism destination / tourist destination that reflects a healthy / hygienic situation so as to provide a sense of comfort and pleasure for tourists to travel or visit the area. The form of action that is realized, among others:
a. Do not dispose of garbage / waste carelessly.
b. Maintain the cleanliness of the environment of objects and tourist attractions as well as supporting facilities and infrastructure.
c. Maintain an environment free of air pollution (due to vehicle or cigarette smoke, other odors).
d. Prepare hygienic foods and drinks.
e. Prepare clean food and beverage presentation equipment.
f. The clothes and appearance of the attendants are clean and neat.
Suatu kondisi lingkungan di
destinasi pariwisata / daerah tujuan wisata yang mencerminkan keadaan yang
sejuk dan teduh yang akan memberikan perasaan nyaman dan ”betah” bagi wisatawan
dalam melakukan perjalanan atau kunjungan ke daerah tersebut. Bentuk aksi yang diwujudkan, antara lain:
a. melaksanakan penghijauan dengan menanam pohon
b. memelihara penghijauan di lingkungan objek dan daya tarik
wisata serta jalur wisata.
c. Menjaga kondisi sejuk dalam area publik / fasilitas umum,
hotel, penginapan, restoran dan sarana prasarana dan komponen / fasilitas
kepariwisataan lainnya.
An environmental condition in a tourism destination / tourist destination that reflects a cool and shady situation that will provide a feeling of comfort and "feel at home" for tourists to travel or visit the area. The form of action that is realized, among others:
a. Go green by planting trees
b. maintain reforestation in the environment of tourist objects and attractions and tourist routes.
c. Maintain cool conditions in public areas / public facilities, hotels, inns, restaurants and other infrastructure facilities and tourism components / facilities.
An environmental condition in a tourism destination / tourist destination that reflects a cool and shady situation that will provide a feeling of comfort and "feel at home" for tourists to travel or visit the area. The form of action that is realized, among others:
a. Go green by planting trees
b. maintain reforestation in the environment of tourist objects and attractions and tourist routes.
c. Maintain cool conditions in public areas / public facilities, hotels, inns, restaurants and other infrastructure facilities and tourism components / facilities.
Suatu kondisi lingkungan di
destinasi pariwisata / daerah tujuan wisata yang mencerminkan keadaan yang
indah dan menarik yang akan memberikan rasa kagum dan kesan yang mendalam begi
wisatawan dalam melakukan perjalanan atau kunjungan ke daerah tersebut,
sehingga mewujudkan potensi kunjungan ulang serta mendorong promosi ke pasar
wisatawan yang lebih luas. Bentuk aksi yang diwujudkan, antara lain:
a. Menjaga obyek dan daya tarik wisata dalam tatanan yang
estetik, alami, dan harmoni.
b. Menata lingkugan dan tempat tinggal secara teratur dan
serasi serta menjaga karakter kelokalan.
c. Menjaga keindahan vegetasi, tanaman hias dan peneduh
sebagai elemen estetika lingkungan yang bersifat alami.
An environmental condition in a tourism destination / tourist destination that reflects beautiful and attractive conditions that will give a sense of awe and a deep impression of tourists in traveling or visiting the area, thus realizing the potential for repeat visits and encouraging more promotion to the tourist market large. The form of action that is realized, among others:
a. Maintain objects and tourist attractions in an aesthetic, natural and harmonious order.
b. Organize the environment and residence regularly and harmoniously and maintain the character of locality.
c. Maintain the beauty of vegetation, ornamental plants and shade as natural elements of environmental aesthetics.
An environmental condition in a tourism destination / tourist destination that reflects beautiful and attractive conditions that will give a sense of awe and a deep impression of tourists in traveling or visiting the area, thus realizing the potential for repeat visits and encouraging more promotion to the tourist market large. The form of action that is realized, among others:
a. Maintain objects and tourist attractions in an aesthetic, natural and harmonious order.
b. Organize the environment and residence regularly and harmoniously and maintain the character of locality.
c. Maintain the beauty of vegetation, ornamental plants and shade as natural elements of environmental aesthetics.
Suatu kondisi lingkungan yang
bersumber dari sikap masyarakat di destinasi pariwisata / daerah tujuan wisata
yang mencerminkan suasana yang akrab, terbuka dan pnerimaan yang tinggi yang
akan memberikan perasaan nyaman, perasaan diterima dan ”betah” (seperti di
rumah sendiri) bagi wisatawan dalam melakukan perjalanan atau kunjungan ke
daerah tersebut. Bentuk aksi yang diwujudkan, antara lain:
a. Bersikap sebagai tuan rumah yang baik dan rela serta
selalu siap membantu wisatawan.
b. Memberi informasi tentang adat istiadat secara sopan.
c. Menunjukkan sikap menghargai dan toleransi terhadap
d. Menampilkan senyum yang tulus.
Makna yang terkandung dalam
konsep SADAR WISATA adalah dukungan dan pertisipasi seluruh komponen masyarakat
dalam mewujudkan iklim yang kondusif bagi tumbuh dan berkembangnya
kepariwisataan di suatu wilayah.
An environmental condition originating from the attitude of the community in a tourism destination / tourist destination that reflects an atmosphere that is intimate, open and high acceptance that will give a feeling of comfort, feeling accepted and "at home" (like at home) for tourists in traveling or visit to the area. The form of action that is realized, among others:
a. Being a good and willing host and always ready to help tourists.
b. Providing information about customs politely.
c. Demonstrate respect and tolerance for tourists.
d. Showing a sincere smile.
The meaning contained in the SADAR WISATA concept is the support and participation of all components of society in realizing a conducive climate for the growth and development of tourism in a region.
An environmental condition originating from the attitude of the community in a tourism destination / tourist destination that reflects an atmosphere that is intimate, open and high acceptance that will give a feeling of comfort, feeling accepted and "at home" (like at home) for tourists in traveling or visit to the area. The form of action that is realized, among others:
a. Being a good and willing host and always ready to help tourists.
b. Providing information about customs politely.
c. Demonstrate respect and tolerance for tourists.
d. Showing a sincere smile.
The meaning contained in the SADAR WISATA concept is the support and participation of all components of society in realizing a conducive climate for the growth and development of tourism in a region.
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Kolam renang Villa Sinar Tambolaka |
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Suasana Teras Vila Sinar Tambolaka |
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Design Hotel Yang Mengikuti Budaya Sumba Barat Daya |
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Vila Sinar Tambolaka |
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Vila Sinar Tambolaka |
Hotel Sinar Tambolaka adalah salah satu hotel yang berada di Waetabulah ibukota Sumba Barat Daya dan letaknya dekat dengan bandara. Disamping itu hotel ini telah membangun fasilitas penunjang yang boleh dikatakan paling lengkap. Tersedia paket-paket wisata yang melayani setiap pengunjung datang ke Sumba Barat Daya. Bangunan hotel terlihat mengikuti budaya yang ada sehingga suasana menjadi tidak terlupakan. Sebuah usaha dalam rangka mewujudkan program sadar wisata dari pengusaha yang telah lama berkecimpung di dunia pariwisata di Sumba Barat Daya dan berhasil menyerap sumber daya manusia di Sumba.
Sinar Tambolaka hotel is one of the hotels on Waetabulah, the capital of Sumba Barat Daya and located so close to the airport. Besides that this hotel has built supporting facilities which can be said to be the most complete in South West Of Sumba. Tour packages are available that serve every visitor coming to South West of Sumba Island. The hotel building looks to follow the existing culture so the atmosphere becomes unforgettable. An effort in order to realize a tourism conscious program from entrepreneurs who have long been in the world of tourism in South West Of Sumba and managed to absorb human resources in Sumba Island.
"Didalam rumah tangga yang Baik Ada dekapan hangat Cinta kasih......". Ketut Rudi Utama
"In a good family there is a warm cuddle of love ......". Ketut Rudi Utama
Article by Ketut Rudi
References by Ishak P.B Horo (Many thanks for giving us beautiful experiences in Kodi)
Team :
Yafet Horo, Molina Olivia, Nomenson Wetangmau
Visit Beautiful and amazing Sumba Island Indonesia
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